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Installment transaction only available with Public Bank credit card

Your payment will be processed by CyberSource.

  • You will be redirected to CyberSource secure page.
  • After you have completed your payment, you will be returned to our site and your order are completed successfully.

Your payment will be processed manually once bank-in receipt has been uploaded.

  • Please use the following account details to make payment for your order:

    Maybank: 514048812340 (YL Camera Services Sdn Bhd)
    Public Bank: 3170991227 (YL Camera Services Sdn Bhd)
    RHB: 21419200039512 (YL Camera Services Sdn Bhd)

  • You will need to upload the successful bank-in receipt via the order details page.
  • After you have uploaded the bank-in slip, your payment will be approved and your order are completed successfully.

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